Cat spraying meaning and solutions


Cat spraying meaning and solutions

We know if cats are fun, cute, and adorable pets. His behavior often allows the owners to smile and laugh. However, some actions were taken by a cat sometimes look squalid and certainly make the owner upset, one of which is spraying or spraying urine. A cat that sprays urine will not be fun if it happens inside your house because it leaves a bad smell.

Cat Tagging 

Cat spraying meaning and solutions
Cat spraying meaning and solutions

The region has a very important meaning for cats, especially the homes they live in, where they want to feel safe and protected. After all, your home can also be a place to live, a playground, and a place to get food for stray cats around your house. It's a threat. 

Therefore, your pet cat tries to mark its territory, considering that the cat is a territorial animal or has the nature of being a ruler over a particular area. Cats mark the region or location where they live and where they visit in various ways, namely with scent glands in their legs, cheeks, face, and tail, up to urine, and of course spray urine so that is very bad. 

Cats that rub their cheeks and scratch their feet (with the smell of glands in the footpads and visual markings) somewhere are a form of tagging. When you see your pet cat happily rubbing themselves on your feet they are leaving a mark in the place that feels most comfortable. 

Cat activities marking areas such as rubbing their cheeks, body, tail, and scratching their feet in various places and objects in the house are not a problem, because owners can barely smell the scent they leave behind. 

Tagging territory by a cat as above is a positive sign that you have created a loving home and made your cat very happy. However, when a cat marks its territory by spraying its urine, this is often a problem because it is disgusting while making it smell and dirty. 

Cat spraying meaning and solutions
Cat spraying meaning and solutions

Why cat spraying?

Urine spraying or spraying is another type of tagging that is mainly used outdoors, where there is more competition with other cats. Instead of rubbing their faces as markers of territory, cats prefer to spray urine, which carries the smell of its own body.

Cats will also mark their territory by spraying urine when they feel threatened or stressed. This can happen with changes in household routines, the presence of new family members, new residences, and changes in social and other environments.

Spraying urine is different from peeing!

When cats pee they will usually go to a quiet place, away from a place where they will not be disturbed. They will crouch down and excrete more amounts of urine that leave no oily marks as they dry out.

Cat spraying meaning and solutions
Cat spraying meaning and solutions

How to solve it

Cat spraying behavior is a natural behavior, but the cat spray will leave marks and odors that interfere with our comfort, and we need a cat stop spraying program, and train the cat to spray its urine only in the litter box. Some tips that can be done to reduce or even eliminate the habit include:

1. Recognize the cause of cats spraying urine so that solutions can be found
2. Prevent cats from stress problems And make the cat feel relaxed and comfortable
3. Maintain a cat routine
4. Make sure your cat gets enough space, is comfortable to play, has fun, and rest.
5. Clean the cat's spray marks so as not to repeat
6. Help cats to get to know new family members
7. Limit cat's contact with the outdoor environment of the house
8. Find a trainer to help with the cat's stop spraying program
